Lots of Wind Damage

Storm last week must of had at least 60mph winds.  Big branches down, tv antennae bent in half, barn tin roof rolling up, heavy deck chairs thrown about, and worst, AND the hinges on the new gate were bent, which was very frustrating.

Gate is Complete

After three months, the gate is mostly finished and it’s just needing a few more extra touches from the initial landscape design. There are a few configuration items in the gate mechanism that still need to be addressed, but the structure and landscaping are complete and the gate mechanism is functional. We had to rent some tools and equipment for the landscaping job such as a horizontal grinder equipment to get rid of the tree stumps because of our location.

One item not installed yet is a video camera tied into the homes real-time video recording system.  We’ll be able to see who is at the gate and monitor the system if necessary.  I’m going to install the wireless network system to bring the home network up to the gate.  You can see the red barn in the distance, I’ll mount one wireless transmitter there and another on a pole at the gate.

Here are a few pictures looking at the gate from different angles.

Looking from the outside on Old Office Rd
Keypad on the left can call up to three numbers and can be remotely programmed.
Driving up to the gate from the inside
Mailbox is a welcome addition, still need to get the address number installed

Thanksgiving Hunt + Farm Work

Had a great time with the kids hunting, playing board games and doing some farm work.  Definitely have to do this again when they are home for Christmas.  Emily got a deer the last evening we hunted, nice healthy doe that had some very choice cuts!  The next day we processed some into deer burgers and some into jerky strips which she is going to make when she returns to NYC.

Playing Risk

Playing Risk

Crushing the kids

Crushing the kids

Heading out for the hunt

Heading out for the hunt



Maddy running the tractor

Maddy running the tractor

Maddy splitting wood

Maddy splitting wood

Patrick loading wood to be split

Patrick loading wood to be split

Emily made us all breakfast

Emily made us all breakfast

Processing Emily's deer

Processing Emily’s deer

Gourmet venison burger

Gourmet venison burger

Labor Day Weekend 2016

Great long weekend, had all of the kids down, my parents, and two of my brothers.  We were busy all weekend:

  • celebrated Patty’s birthday,
  • brewed Springfield Farm beer from hops we grew and the local well water,
  • Floated for countless hours in the well heated pool,
  • Played corn hole, Left-Right-Center,
  • Cut down a tree,
  • Beepa bush-hogged the entire place,
  • Communed around a monstrous bonfire,
  • Vigorously exercised our second amendment rights,
  • Blew up exploding targets.

See various pictures below.

Steve in the pool

Steve in the pool

Massive bonfire

Massive bonfire

Exercising our 2A rights

Exercising our 2A rights



Wonder if he bites ?

Wonder if he bites ?

Patty making the monster bday cake

Patty making the monster bday cake

Grammy whipping up on the kids in corn hole

Grammy whipping up on the kids in corn hole

Michael got destroyed

Michael got destroyed

Mirlo likes the smell of the kitty beds

Mirlo likes the smell of the kitty beds

Steve & Melanie in the pedal boat

Steve & Melanie in the pedal boat



Master brewer

Master brewer

Pistol practice

Pistol practice

Beepa heading out to do some tractoring

Beepa heading out to do some tractoring

Flash Flood!

Late in the afternoon the sky darkened and then it just poured, and poured.  Probably a very hard rain for about 45-50 minutes.  When it was done me & Patty took a tour on the ATV to see what happened around the farm.  I was mostly worried about the big pond and the overflow as I’ve never seen it overflow before, although I suspect it had.  Our first stop was the driveway where it crosses over the stream that feeds the pond.  Seeing this I was pretty worried about what I would find at the dam.

Driveway inundated

Driveway inundated

This was the scene from the dam.

Water flows through the overflow

Water flows through the overflow

Overflow working perfectly, wide flat turf waterway keeps lots of water flowing smoothly but doesn't erode the dam.

Overflow working perfectly, wide flat turf waterway keeps lots of water flowing smoothly but doesn’t erode the dam.

Dock is completely underwater

Dock is completely underwater

The ford over Mine Run is completely un-passable

The ford over Mine Run is completely un-passable

Within a few hours the flow had subsided with little or no erosion thank god.

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