Turnip Field

https://www.acp-online.org/image/valium-australia-online.php I purchased a bag of turnip seeds from Cabelas and planted it last fall as a wildlife food plot. They came up very strong, but it didn’t seem like the deer ate much, of course the bag indicated that white tail deer would go crazy over them but I sure didn’t see it.


follow link Well this spring they are coming up strong, flowering and forming a TON of seed pods. Sure hope some of the wild life starts to eat it.

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Wood Splitting, a Family Affair

http://foodsafetytrainingcertification.com/food-safety-news/wbvdnqi Finally cut up and split a Chestnut Oak that had fallen down about a year ago. It took WAY longer then I thought it would, but the wood will be really good in a year or two to use as Log home materials. About 24% water content now. We filled the entire wood shed that Patrick built last summer and put the rest up on pallets.


https://tudiabetesbajocontrol.com/relanzam/valium-cheapest.php Dad & Mom also came down today and helped with the processing of a tree I cut down last week. We pulled the main trunk out with a chain and cut it up into sizes ready for the splitter. Great to have someone helping; otherwise, I would have had to continually switch from tractor to chainsaw to attaching chains all day. Afterwards Dad gave the new ATV a spin and then we relaxed on the porch enjoying the warm weather and a few cigar.


Compost Bins Assembled & Primed

https://www.rmporrua.com/t7ri68b3 Built three 4’x4′ compost bins from cedar logs. FINALLY finished them, started in December but came down with flu and then pneumonia and just never got back to them. Assembled using mortis and tenon, a little time consuming but I like the look. We pulled in some old hay bails for the brown layers, mowed some fresh grass clippings for the green layers and put it all together. Hoping for some nicely finished compost in the late summer/fall.


Raised Bed Construction Completed

go site Finished constructing all 9 raised beds, filled them with dirt, roughed in the irrigation, and put down 3-4″ of playground mulch on the walkways. Fencing is due to be installed on May 17th. Wife has already planted several of these and installed some nifty row covers since its still kinda cold out.


Put the Chipper to Work

https://www.iql-nog.com/2025/01/19/6zlculvqt Had Michael saw off all of the low hanging branches from the cedar trees lining the road to the gray house. What I thought was a few branches turned out to be ALOT more then I had imagined. Michael pulled them all into a pile and while Patty trimmed them into more manageable pieces I ran them through the chipper I purchased at auction last year. We ended up spreading the cedar mulch around the giant oak tree at the top of the ‘bowl’.
