Finally Combined the Young and Older Hens

For over a month now Emily has had to feed/water and manage two flocks of hens. The older hens in the big chicken tractor, and the young hens that weren’t laying yet. The reason they were separate was two fold; we didn’t want the older hens picking on the smaller new ones, and the young hens are on a chick starter (high protein) feed as opposed to the lower protein level of the layer feed.

Once the hens had gone up into the tractor for the night we moved them close to the big chicken tractor and proceeded to grab, tag, and put them into the big tractor, one at a time, all 70 of them. The picture below depicts the typical process; Patty grabbed them, Randy tagged them, and me & Emily walked them over to the big chicken tractor.

Grab, tag, throw in with the big hens.

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